A-302, World Trade Tower Makarba, Ahmedabad-380051.
After western countries, Home healthcare services have widely become popular in India over the period. ‘Medical care at the most cost-effective manner’ is today’s expectation from GUJARAT-based home healthcare services, but only cost savings are not sufficient to meet the requirements of proper care at home.
In a scenario, when home healthcare services are springing up like mushrooms, ANANTA SERVE has emerged as an ideal solution provider for all your home healthcare needs. ANANTA SERVE combines rich and versatile experience of 5 years in the field of home healthcare and professional expertise.
The standard protocol for service delivery has been set for all professionals working with ANANTA SERVE, be it Attendant, Nursing Staff, Physiotherapist or Medical Officer.
Based on requirement, ANANTA SERVE carries out a comprehensive and customised care plan with in-depth study and analysis of Medical condition and history of the patients. ANANTA SERVE offers a gamut of services, which include; Physiotherapy, Nursing Care, Care Taker, ICU care at Home, Alzheimer/Dementia Care, Post-Surgical Care, Mother & Child Care and Pharmacy Supply.
Our home healthcare professionals continuously monitor and take care of the smallest requirements of patients, right from medicines to Intravenous drugs or wound dressing to daily tasks that patients need to do on their own. Patients are at the center of focus for ANANTA SERVE professionals and providing them optimum quality of life is our goal.
At ANANTA SERVE, we are committed to delivering high-quality solutions designed to meet your unique needs. Our services include: